moonlight dev blog archive
yeah this isn't the main page; everything on here is OLD and not supported if
you try to download it.
20091029 @ 04:38 central time:
the good news is that StepMania 4 development is picking up.
The bad news is that there's still no new alpha in sight, and I've been fully
focusing on sm-ssc at this point.
Changelog was updated.
20090921 @ 17:59 central time:
still on vacation.
Here's a video from one of
the moonlight beta testers featuring the theme.
20090914 @ 02:59 central time:
xzzx y'all, I'm on vacation
New releases of moonlight will continue when releases of StepMania 4 alphas continue.
I'm not really looking forward to dealing with people who don't play event mode and
are using alpha 4 since there isn't a version with fixed bugs out yet. Therefore,
I'm going to spend my time working on other,
better projects.
If you want to become a private beta tester, you should be able to build the
StepMania 4 source code on your own. Priority is given to cool people who know
that Access Violation crashes aren't easy to debug and aren't worth reporting
blindly. (edited from THE FUTURE [20091029])
20090901 @ 16:02 central time:
If you downloaded moonlight public alpha V before 16:00 CDT (UTC-5), please redownload the theme:
moonlight public alpha V a released!
Much like public alpha IVa, I'd recommend a clean install for this one. (I actually
recommend a clean install for all versions of the theme every time you update. :D)
20090830 @ 00:01 central time:
It's been a while since I've updated the changelog, so I've done so. One big thing
to note is that Oni mode will be appearing in moonlight public alpha 5.
Yes, finally.
20090826 @ 04:04 central time:
So I was thinking that a week had been a long time since moonlight public alpha releases.
Then I got sidetracked by a job which is probably still going. Anyways, I came here
to tell you moonlight isn't dead, and that it's been possible to write to memory
card profiles the entire time! I guess you might also want to check MemoryCardState
using MEMCARDMAN:GetCardState(PlayerNumber).
This might get added to moonlight public alpha 5, but I wouldn't hold your breath
just yet. I personally expect that to be a beta thing.
20090809 @ 15:44 central time:
moonlight public alpha IVa released
20090731 @ 15:15 central time:
updated changelog again, see above.
20090728 @ 02:24 central time:
updated changelog, see above.
20090726 @ 16:30 central time:
updated changelog, see above.
20090718 @ 23:23 central time:
public alpha III released!
20090616 @ 03:33 central time:
public alpha II released!
20090613 @ 03:33 central time:
the i2236 update mentioned on the @kki_ssc feed basically brings about HD changes.
i2234 "fixed" course lengths, and i2235 was the first part of the HD wave. I'd like to
give you two comparison shots in 16:10 format (960x600)
Pay close attention to the wheel item text and header text:
and that's all I really have for this update.
20090602 @ 21:34 central time:
public alpha released!
watch this space, the StepMania forums thread,
and @kki_ssc on Twitter.